EMWD offices at 2270 Trumble Road Perris, CA 92570 hold as many as 5 board meetings every month which are open to the public. Your community and employee participation at these meeting are necesary to help the elected board members solve issue and guide the employee management of the water company to friendlier and safer practices in the future.
EMWD is a semi municipal and semi private organization with a five-member board of directors. A more common term for the business form is quasi-municipal corporation. The EMWD Board of Directors represent five regional divisions. The general public within the EMWD service area can contact their district area board member for details and matters with business affairs.
Directors are elected to four-year terms by voters in five geographic divisions. These divisions are apportioned by population. Terms are staggered to ensure continuity, with public elections held in at least two divisions every two years. Directors must reside within their elected division.